Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Prayer

Lord, You are absolutely more than I can even find words to describe.  One word simply cannot define You.  You are Love.  Your Word says that!  You are my Provider!  You are my Healer!  You are my Savior!  Yes, You are my Savior!  Thank You!  Thank You for saving me.  You are The Way, The Truth, and The Life!  You are Love and You are The Way, so Love is the Way.  You are Love and You are The Truth, so Love is The Truth.  You are Love and You are The Life, so Love is The Life.  Love is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!

You taught me through my daughter's Classical Conversations Essentials class that the word IS is a linking verb, which can be replaced with an equal sign (=).  I love words.  I love the study of words.  I love the study of Your Word!  Your Word is amazing!  It IS living and active!  Of course, because Jesus IS God, Jesus IS Love, Jesus IS the Word, and Jesus IS alive!!!  He IS living and active!  Wow!!!

Father, thank You for Jesus, who died for me so that there is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit, who lives in me to convict me, comfort me, and guide me.  What a gift He is!  The Holy Spirit living inside of me; Your Spirit of Love living inside of me!  Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to live among us so that we might know You, for Jesus himself said that if we know Him, then we know the Father.  Eternal life is to know You and to know the One You sent, Jesus Christ!

If I believe in Jesus (I do), then I believe what He says (I do).  Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to "love The Lord your God with all your heart, with all you soul, with all your strength, with all your mind," and the second is like it, "Love your neighbor as yourself."  He's my Lord!  I want to obey His command to love.

Jesus also says, "A new command I give you: Love one another.  Just as I have loved you, so you must love lone another.  By this, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  Father, I cant argue with that.  Jesus says it.  He's my Lord.  I should obey.  I can only love like Jesus loves if I am filled with Your Spirit.  I want to be rooted and grounded in love, because Your Word says that nothing matters, except faith expressing itself through love.

Lord, You showed me that what I believe matters.  If I believe the Truth, who is Love, then I will express that faith by being love.  Abba, Father, I want to be like You.  I want to be love, because You, my Daddy, are love.  I want to be like You.  Thank You for sending Jesus so that we could see what You look like in the flesh.  We who are flesh, can follow Jesus, who is God, who is love, who is flesh. Jesus is how we know what love looks like with skin on!  I love that!  I can follow You, because You showed me how to follow you.  You're amazing!  You thought of everything!  Of course you did!  You're God, the Creator of Everything!

How wonderful is Your creation!  It shouts out clearly just how amazing You are.  Yes, YOU ARE!  You said, "I AM!"  Yes!  YOU ARE!  We can not go back into the past, nor look into the future, but You ARE the Alpha and the Omega!  We have not been to the depths of the earth, or even the depths of the sea, nor have we explored the furthest reaches of outer space, but You are Omnipresent.  You are with us, always, wherever we go.  There is no where that we can go to hide from You.  We know very little compared to all You know.  Our knowledge, understanding, and wisdom pale in comparison with Your Omniscience.  You are Omnipotent!  There is NOTHING that is impossible for You!  You WILL do ALL Your Holy Will!

Father, thank You for teaching me, because You said in Your Word that You would teach me great and unsearchable things, if only I would ask.  "Ask, and you will receive."  Thank You that You WILL be found, if only I will seek You.  "Seek, and you will find."  Thank You for opening the door for me and for my family.

You said to seek You and that "all these things will be added unto you," and I am so grateful for all that You have added to my life because I finally sought You out through prayer and through Your Word.  Thank You for pursuing me until I gave up trying to do it all in my own strength.  Thank You for showing me the Truth.  With out You, I am nothing!  Your Word says that!  With You, I am a child of God, a co-heir with Christ Jesus!!!  Your Word says that!  With You, I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!  Your Word says that!  Nothing is impossible for him who believes!  Your Word says that!

Oh, Lord, Abba, Father, increase my faith!  Give me faith to believe Your Word!  Give me faith to believe Jesus, fully and completely!  I believe!  Help me, in my unbelief!

Lord, I thank You for the trials that prove my faith to be genuine, and bring praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed!  Let the people in my life see Jesus when they look at me.  Amen!

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